Monday, April 28, 2008

Bed Time

Four 5 minute sketches for a page of a children's book about a boy who doesn't want to go to bed because he had so much fun today. Just a freelance job I'm trying for. (and got:)

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Asking for Directions

I've been so lazy... this is one of the first times I used to Blur Tool to shade (and basically do everything else) It's ok for my first time. I started, and gave up on about 5 different back ground ideas until I went cheap and just made clouds! You love the clouds!

Friday, April 11, 2008

Show me where you've been Professor!

Another quite evening at the Layton residence.
I've had artist block, and for me, that turns into fan art. So I decided to draw up these fine gentlemen:)
"Layton's apprentice saves the day!"

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

girls, girls, girls!

Look at all the girls! Each sketch I gave myself about 5 minutes. I just needed to practice more on the female figure. Next time, males!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Stimpy says...

Yeah, I tried it. Sketch Book Pro has some good features, but I missed somethings. Ren and Stimpy started my drawing habit way back in 1991 when it started. I remember I loved to draw stimpy as a kid. But that is the only time I remember drawing them. This random thought popped into my head today as I was drawing an elephant in Sketch book, so I scrapped it decided to draw them again from memory. I may have failed as I haven't seen the show in years! (sadly) This was all drawn in about 10 minutes, 11 if you add the color.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Village sacrifice

Tis done! ...for now...